Bible for Everyone
Everything we do is centered around helping people draw closer to God and His Word.
But what if you didn’t have a Bible in your language? What if you didn’t know God’s Word?
Almost a billion people don’t.
Thousands of the world’s languages don’t even have a complete New Testament. And of those, more than 1,000 only have some Scripture.
It’s not simply a matter of shipping Bibles to them. The Bible literally does not exist in their heart language … yet.
But you can help us change that.
In the past, getting the Bible into another language often took decades. But today, the world’s leading Bible translation ministries formed illumiNations—an alliance that helps them easily exchange ideas, share systems, and improve practices. Working together, they have used advancements in technology, communication, and travel to shorten the translation process.
illumiNations believes that at least the New Testament can be translated for 99.9% of the world’s population by the year 2033.
YouVersion is committed to helping them achieve this goal by funding high-impact projects that can be completed quickly.
But we need your help to make this goal a reality.
Help us get God’s Word translated into every language by 2033. 100% of your gift will go directly to Bible translation projects so that everyone can have the opportunity to experience the life-changing power of God’s Word. 1
Bible Translation News & Updates
1 All contributions received through the Bible for Everyone campaign will be used exclusively for the purpose of Bible translation. As each project is completed, any remaining funds are then applied toward the next translation project, as selected by YouVersion and its partners.

Projects Funded
- Mongu: Zambia, Namibia, Angola
- Pitjantjatjara: Australia
- Mbeya A Cluster: Tanzania
- Ogooue Cluster: Gabon
- Sangha Cluster: Gabon, Congo
- Mosiye: Ethiopia
- Lambya: Malawi
- Elhomwe: Malawi
- Aja: Benin
- Tekat cluster: Indonesia
- Luholu River Cluster: DR Congo
- Lafi e Devleso Cluster: Croatia, Serbia
- Doondo: Congo
- Atsimo Cluster: Madagascar
- Chatino: Mexico
- Guambia-Misak: Colombia
- Colombian Sign Language
- Polchi: Nigeria
- BaYaYa Cluster: DR Congo
- Chhattisgarhi: India
- Songo: Angola
- Spain Sign Language
- Tshuapa Cluster: DR Congo
- Izon: Nigeria
- Tipah Cluster: Indonesia
- Tanzanian Sign Language: Tanzania
- Holoholo: DR Congo
- Manyawa New Testament: Mozambique
- Bonde Cluster: Tanzania
- Yombe: Congo
- San Pedro 3: Mexico
- Rindire (previously known as Nungu): Nigeria
- Chakali: Ghana
- New Ukrainian Translation: Ukraine
- Abakwa Cluster 3: Cameroon
- Rwandan Sign Language: Rwanda
- Western Bantu Cluster: Cameroon
- Plus 39 more projects, including 23 that are deemed “Highly Sensitive” in order to protect the safety of the translators involved